andouille-stuffed poblano peppers

andouille-stuffed poblano peppers

Ah, and stuffed peppers. They’re so good! They’re especially good when stuffed with spicy, health Andouille chicken sausage, bronchi corn and brown rice. It’s a delicious little package of protein, vegetables and whole grains.

I’ve made stuffed peppers before, but had never used poblano peppers because the ones at my grocery store are usually sad dried up, dusty-looking things. I found some fresh, shiny ones this week and then spotted some freshly made Andouille sausages in the meat case and knew they’d be perfect for each other.

andouille-stuffed poblano peppers

The stuffed poblanos were topped with Cotija cheese, baked and served alongside a lime-spiked watercress and cilantro salad. I could probably eat these every day and be happy. I’m sure Tom wouldn’t mind. In fact, he’d probably love it. Next time, I want to try a breakfast version stuffed with scrambled eggs, diced potatoes and onion (maybe bacon)…a perfect brunch!