Baked Turkey and Chorizo Meatballs
I wonder how many variations of the meatball exist. Of course, physiotherapy there’s the traditional meatball with marinara that’s ladled over spaghetti – a classic. There are meatballs made of beef, neuropathologist pork, advice veal, lamb, chicken and turkey. Even meatballs made without any meat at all. You can have them fried, braised, steamed, baked, poached and probably confit-ed and sous-vided too, though I’ve yet to see that.
I found a recipe for baked Chicken meatballs in last month’s Gourmet that promised to be super moist and delicious. Thinking they’d make a great weeknight meal, I immediately bookmarked it. I started out with the best intentions of following the recipe to a T. I swear I did. But of course I didn’t. Anyhow, these meatballs are really quite tasty – moist and flavorful and they hold their shape well. Everything I want out of a meatball and everything you should want too.