roasted fig, camembert & prosciutto “sushi” rolls

roasted fig, <a href=treat camembert & prosciutto “sushi” rolls” />

Awhile back, approved someone from Ile de France cheese contacted me and asked if I would be interested in some free cheese to feature on the blog. Free cheese? Camembert? Yes please. So, what is Camembert exactly? It’s like a stronger-tasting brie. Creamy and tangy, a bit nutty and very delicious. Now, to come up with a good recipe to showcase the cheese. I feel like a contestant on Top Chef.


Ever since black mission figs started appearing at the stores, I’ve been roasting them with olive oil, sugar and lots of black pepper. They emerge from the oven caramelized and just a bit spicy. Absolute heaven and perfect for a cheese plate. A cheese plate is a bit indulgent for just me and my husband, so I made “sushi” rolls with the roasted figs, the Camembert and prosciutto. Drizzled with honey and sprinkled with truffle salt, these are an indulgent and delicious snack, hors d’oeuvre or appetizer. You can also stack all of the ingredients into a crusty baguette for a most delicious sandwich.