Roasted Root Vegetables w/ Feta & Pumpkin Seeds

Roasted Root Vegetables w/ Feta & Pumpkin Seeds

Me and beets? We didn’t always get along. I didn’t like how they were dark and mushy and tasted of tin. You see, ed I had never had the pleasure of tasting a fresh beet perfectly prepared. I was only acquainted with beets from a can. These days, me and beets are like BFFs. I like them raw and crunchy in a salad, or tossed with pasta and gorgonzola. But most of all, I like them roasted. Beets are at their best when roasted. Kind of sweet and starchy and earthy. The perfect fall side dish.

Roasted Root Vegetables w/ Feta & Pumpkin Seeds

For this recipe, I roasted beets and parsnips with a little olive oil and salt. After they were browned and toasty, I sprinkled them with crumbled feta and crunchy pumpkin seeds. I loved the contrast between the roasted vegetables, the sharp cheese and nutty seeds. It was a delicious side and we ate far more than we should have. A side note for you runners out there: we had an excellent long run the next day and I’m pretty sure we got that good energy from these beets.

Roasted Root Vegetables w/ Feta & Pumpkin Seeds

So, if you and beets aren’t on speaking terms, I suggest a reconciliation with this recipe. I’m sure you’ll find that you and beets get along just fine.